Friday, December 01, 2006

Those darned hippies are at it again with their peace, love, evolutionary psychology, and simultaneous orgasms

"Calif. couple calls for orgasm for peace" (from

I don't disagree with the idea. But it does raise the question: What other pleasurable activities could we undertake in the name of peace?
  • Eat ice cream for peace
  • Smell freshly baked cookies for peace
  • Enjoy a nice bowel movement for peace.
  • Receive a backrub for peace
  • Calculate compound interest for peace (accountants only)
  • Watch football while drinking a cold one for peace
  • Have a hearty laugh over the finely tuned wit of Alan Thicke for peace (Canadians only)
  • Yell at the driver in front of you for peace
  • Stroll on the beach for peace
  • Destroy your enemies and watch them kneel before you for peace

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll take the back rub please!!...please? It really hurts, for real. I promise to be peaceful...