Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Colmes of the comics

Does anyone actually think Mallard Fillmore is funny? My theory is this: Mallard Fillmore is the Alan Colmes of the comic pages, the cannon fodder a newspaper will throw out there just to balance out Doonesbury (and I'm not linking that -- you KNOW what Doonesbury is). "Hey look, we couldn't POSSIBLY have a liberal bias, we've got Mallard Fillmore."

If you're not familiar, here's the premise of every Mallard Fillmore comic strip ever drawn:

Premise 1) Mallard looks directly at the audience and points out some politically correct foible. Foible is illustrated. Mallard looks at the reader again and finishes his sentence.

Premise 2) Silly liberal (professor, journalist, you get the picture) looks at the reader and makes a silly point. Point is illustrated. Silly liberal finishes sentence.

The guy doesn't need a comic strip; he needs a paragraph.

And I suppose that's the point: If you took away the window dressing -- Mallard's face looking directly at you, the silly liberal in frame 2, Mallard's face again -- you'd have an op-ed that's only 50 words long. And that won't pay off those debts at the track.

1 comment:

Don said...

Don't even get me started with this shit. My old college housemate nearly came to fisticuffs over which comic was worse: Marmaduke or Family Circus. Seriously. We were screaming at each other and just unable to believe how dumb the other was for not agreeing.