Friday, August 19, 2005

Man At Work

While there are certain drawbacks to doing temp work, as I am while I await the start of fall classes, there's a certain pleasure in doing a truly half-assed job at something with no discernable consequences. Today I'm sitting at NESN, answering phones, mostly guessing who people are trying to reach, and certainly not "screening" calls as I should.

Simply put, screening means you find out who's calling, and alert the receiving party, who then decided whether they'd like to take the call. I'm supposed to do this with a number of highlighted names on my phone list, but I'm trying to avoid it. It's not my job to be someone else's buffer for reality. It's not my job to be a human version of caller ID.

If you want to shirk your duties, fine. If you're in a meeting, fine. If you're away from your desk, fine. Just don't answer your phone. Let it go through to voice mail, then check the message. If someone doesn't leave a message, it wasn't important.

Besides, this is NESN. If you work in television, you should be a people person. If you're an ad exec, if you're in marketing, if you're a producer, you should be an extrovert. If you're not, join me in print journalism, or the vast world of blogging, and be done with it.

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