Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Lost Time

To make up for lost time (the last time I had a "serious" entry was over a week ago), I'm going to take care of some quick hits and random thoughts to get back into full "blogging mode."

I'm also doing this on the guidance of George Carlin, who posited that "no one starts working right never see a memo that says '8:02' don't jump out of bed and vacuum."

...I'm pretty sure Sharper Image is an unnecessary appendage on the body of life.

...I'm currently working as a temp (well, really, isn't all work temp work?) at a publishing house. So...this is what happens to all the English majors?

...President Bush backed Intelligent Design as a theory to compete with evolution because people should be exposed to different ideas. By that logic, I think he should also back the flat-earth theory so people can be exposed to something other than sceintists' round-earth theory.

Counter-argument: Is it that difficult for scientists to imagine that there's some sort of divine or guiding force in the universe? Are their theories so brittle as to be broken by a little intelligence?

Counter-argument: Is it that difficult for fundamentalist Christians to accept that the book of Genenis—even if it was divinely guided—was written, translated, interpreted, retranslated, and preached by humans...and therefore, might be fallible? Is God so brittle as to be broken by a little scientific inquiry?

And...I've become convinced that when a weather forecast says "Chance of scattered thundershowers, highs in the 80s," the meteorologist may as well be saying, "I have no idea what the weather's going to be like. It's summer. It's Boston. You figure it out."

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