Friday, March 23, 2007

Butt Paste

(Image links to Butt Paste's website)

Usually, humor depends on context. For example: In my day-to-day life, I encounter lots of stuff I find funny at a certain place and time. Then, seeing the same thing later -- in a different place, time, context, etc. -- it's not as funny. I heard about this stuff a shade over a year ago when my sister-in-law had her first baby. The first time I heard it, I thought the name was funny. The second time I heard it, I thought the name was funny. The third time, funny. And so on.

It's over year later and I still find the name funny. So either there's something wrong with me, or the marketing team that came up with the name "Butt Paste" have stumbled upon that rare thing that's universally funny. Like pirates, or robots. Comedic gold.


Mike said...

Pirates aren't universally funny. Did you see Pirates of the Caribbean 2? That wasn't funny at all.

Anonymous said...

We loved Butt Paste so much when we tried it in the States that we're now bringing it to the UK. It's thanks to people like yourself that we found out how great this is, via blogs. Thank you all :) will be the site, ready soon. Yes, it's having a real comedic effect over here believe me!

Joseph Carnell, Isle of Man, UK

Anonymous said...

Thanks to whoever it is bringing this stuff into the UK, we got some, amazing ointment, now we want some more and they're out of stock :(