Friday, July 22, 2005

Sadly, there is an occasional window...

...a glimpse of what a true nerd I am. Yesterday evening I'm sitting at a free Mike Doughty concert at Copley Square. The announcer introduces Mike Doughty, mentions his new album, Haughty Melodic, and how that's an anagram of Mike Doughty's name.

My reaction: turn immediately with look of shock and awe to friend Mike (who, I might add, had the same expression as me) and exclaim, "Nice!"


Anonymous said...

True nerd? I figured it out today. It's actually an anagram of "Michael Doughty." There's no "k" in Haughty Melodic.


Anonymous said...

You'd be a true nerd if you called your first book, Cackle Rising.

Craig Nickels said...

Mike-I did the same math you did. I suppose I should have mentioned as much in my post. It was a lack of a "k" and too many "h"s that tipped me off.

Craig Nickels said...

And TOMCP-Cackle Rising? I prefer Lacks Nice Rig...which I do.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could win yourself one in an arm-wrestling competition.