Saturday, June 11, 2005

I Suppose I Ought... treat this more like a blog and less like a repository for all my old crap. Since it is...well...a blog.

I like what I've written so far, but it's awkward for me to worry about editing what I write before I write it. It keeps me from writing. Well, it's one of the things that keeps me from writing...Along with: Work, sleep, school, friends, booze, TV, reading, music, the Internet, free cell, the Green Bay Packers, the Milwaukee Brewers, the Red Hat, ESPN Classic, food, heat, cold, inertia, our two-party political system, and just plain writer's block. And I hate freedom. So there's that.

Writing blogs should be like playing jazz. You just do it. You can practice it. You can mess around with it. You can try to polish it. But--ultimately--it comes down to you, your instrument, and a moment in time. You do your best to capture that moment in time. Then you move on.

There are those who may be disappointed in the new (attempted) framework of LIAL (Briesemeister). Others will be happy (Lark). Most won't care. And that's why I write. Because people don't care.

So, lord help me, I will try to make LIAL more of a raw, live feed of my life. And less like the 'zine I pasted together those many years ago.

1 comment:

Jonny Schwab said...

Your blog is looking pretty original so far, Craig, even if you haven't treated it like a blog, as you say. Keep on writing!

--Jonny Schwab