Friday, May 27, 2005

John Mayer Sings ‘Why Georgia’ On Caroline Rhea To An Audience That Is Mildly Enthralled By His Good Looks (Somerville 2004)

He tips his red cap to the ladies in the front row and launches in. His button-down shirt quivers just a little as he gets himself comfortable. The first chords ring out and the crowd begins to very politely scream. He looks soulful, in a well-scrubbed sort of way. His hair is carefully mussed and tussled, his clothes look like Urban Outfitters clothes carefully chosen to look like they came from a thrift store. His fingers deftly massage the well-tuned strings and his confident voice doesn’t miss a note.

He seems to be hitting his rhythm as he launches into the pre-chorus. The crowd is quietly appreciative of his talent, and just a few women swoon ever-so-slightly. Then he hits his full stride. “Am I livin’ it right? Am I livin’ it riiiiiiiiight?” The crowd cheers just a little more, but people seem to content to remain seated. One girl in the front row just nods her head in agreement.

Even Caroline Rhea seems to be mildly enthralled with the chanteur. He looks perfect for the part. Not quite “Backstreet Boys” manufactured, pleasant in his good looks, just a little soulful, he almost looks like he might have lived out of his car once, for about a month, while he was touring coffeeshops and scrounging for beer money. He’s proficient, calm, confident, almost erudite.

He gets to bridge and sings “So what? So I’ve got a smile on my face.” By now, most of the audience is swaying. One girl in her late twenties is considering taking out her lighter. “It not dark enough,” she concludes, “it just wouldn’t have the right effect.” One cameraman roams through the audience seeking those in-the-moment audience reactions. Another rolls around John’s chair to catch how the lights and shadows play off his dark eyes and weary chin.

The song plays through to the final verse and the ladies seem quite pleased with Mr. John Mayer, mild-mannered guitar-playing troubadour, esquire. John’s having his fun, he shoots a wink at Caroline and she smiles and covers her mouth. Just then the camera shows a close-up of John’s fingers working over the fretboard with a sense of solid craftsmanship and well-honed rhythm.

John draws to the final chorus and finishes the song off with on ever-so-slight flourish. The audience cheers, yells, and remains seated. Caroline works her best big smile and tells the audience that they’ll be right back. John gives a small, understated wave to the audience and looks down while the audience continues to cheer. Then, just at the last second he looks up and smiles.

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