Wednesday, May 25, 2005


Once, I wrote a 'zine entitled Lost in a Lunchbox. Then my roommate moved out, taking his computer and my publishing capabilities with him. Now, there's this.

The title is from a Soul Coughing lyric ("I could get lost in a lunchbox / following the mittens in the lost and found"), though Hamlet said something similar ("I could be bounded in a nut shell and count / myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I / have bad dreams"). I'd like to think that Doughty was thinking of Hamlet while I was thinking of him. Though I doubt it.

The original intro to the 'zine said it was "like liner notes to an odd album." I suppose that's a good start.

Here you'll see clips of old stuff, new stuff, mixed up quotes, that sort of thing. Should be fun.

One last note: This is not journalism. This is not commentary. Some of this may be fictional, some not.

"One never knows, do one?" (Fats Waller)


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